Construction and lease of production and warehouse buildings

More about us
31+ years in business

End-to-end service

Site cleaning service
Overhaul service
Technical service
Monitoring & security
Continuous surveillance
Immediate response system

Services packaged with the main projects

Logistical consulting in the field

  • Warehouse space usage optimisation
  • Manufacturing line design
  • Efficient usage of warehousing & production infrastructure
  • Construction of production and warehouse buildings to your specifications
  • Sheltered warehouse facilities
  • Semi-sheltered warehouse structures
  • Storage yards

Delivery of custom-specified infrastructure components

  • Warehouse handling equipment
  • Intra-logistics equipment
  • Indoor handling equipment
  • Outdoor handling equipment
  • HVAC equipment
  • Fire protection equipment
  • Security equipment
  • Loading docks and equipment
  • Warehouse services
  • Inventory entry & issue service
  • Long- and short-term storage
  • Warehouse management record keeping
  • Stocktaking
  • Picking and commissioning

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