EU projects

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The project was financed from the EU’s European Social Fund
Project value: PLN 362,243.75
EU funding: PLN 307,907.18

MARO Centrum Logistyczno-Magazynowe Roman Chłosta would like to invite all staff to join the “Project for an improvement of working conditions at MARO by the application of the latest tools”, implemented under Measure 8.6 “Support for longer occupational activity”, Submeasure 8.6.1 “Implementation of personnel retraining and employer’s support”.

All project members may seek support for their health through the improvement of the working conditions and preparation for continued work on other or upgraded jobs that are less stressful to human health.

The project is open to the personnel of Maro Centrum Logistyczno-Magazynowe Roman Chłosta, both men and women who qualify with at least one of these criteria:

Employees who have been working their jobs with special conditions and listed in the Project awards’ terms and conditions for at least 6 months before receiving the project support.

Employees who are at least 50 years old.

Employees in neither of the previous categories, but are exposed to health stress on the job.

If you meet any of the above criteria, you are qualified for the project. If the number of prospective entrants exceeds the project limit, the entrants with the highest qualification score will qualify first.

For each tie in qualification scores, the entry ultimately qualified for the project will be that of the earliest date and time of filing the recruitment application papers.

You may apply for the project by filing your signed recruitment papers (available from the project office).

You can file your application (in person, by registered mail or courier mail) at the project office located in the corporate headquarters, address: Olewin 50A, 32-300 Olkusz.

The applications served by mail will be qualified by the date of reception by the project office.


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