About our company MARO

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31+ years in business

Implementation of projects
on foreign markets

European Union
Non-EU countries

The MARO philosophy satisfied customers

Production control system
Zero-delay, on-time fulfilment
State of the art production facilities
Competitive pricing
A wide network of EU suppliers
An experienced staff of professionals

We go sustainable

THE LATEST PV panel installation
This year, we plan to complete an on-site renewable energy source project. The objective is to have and operate our very own PV plant, rated at 190 kWp.
IN-HOUSE waste policy
We follow a modern waste policy. The steel scrap is diverted for reprocessing.
BDO (Polish Waste Database) registered business
We segregate our waste in compliance with BDO regulations and guidelines. We manage the waste generator’s records and file the waste management reports with the authorities.